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Awaken to How Life is Speaking to You.

Life exists all around you as an interactive playground. This field of interconnectivity is experience; one that expands connection, communication and guidance. Throughout your life, all manner of prompts and signs have been with you, whether or not you have been aware. 

During this grand time on our planet, signs are more and more prevalent. 

What might it feel like to converse with the Universe? 

Would you like to learn how to connect more deeply with life?

Do you see certain numbers repeatedly: 22, 333, 11:11, 1234 or something else? Are you noticing feathers on your path? Do certain experiences keep occurring with your car, inside of your home or within relationships?

What keeps gently tapping you on the shoulder?

As a six-time, gold award-winning author, soul artist, mystic, and author of the books Conversations With the Universe and SIGNS: Sacred Encounters, SIMRAN uses time tested understanding, integrated experience and intuitive mastery to bring forth greater understanding of a personal mystical conversation that you are having between the seen and unseen.

By providing powerful teachings, insightful meditations, ’key directions’ and ‘signposts’ for enhancing your intuitive receptivity and universal dialogue, SIMRAN supports your deepening of relationship with the Universe. 

It's Time to Reconnect to Your Greater Self and the Universal Guidance Available


Many people are experiencing signs, symbols and synchronicity on a daily basis but only momentarily remain in the mysticism and awe of the experience. Deepened presence to these magical encounters reveals there is more to life than once realized. 

In truth, looking at life in this more subtle and expanded way can become a rich experience of personal growth, empowered authority and co-creative partnership. This course will help you realign with the mystical nature of life and discern what is mirrored back to you through each sacred encounter.

Would you like to:

  • Discover various ways that signs appear?
  • Learn how to be more receptive to the signs and messages that the Universe is offering? 
  • Understand how you may interpret the signs you are receiving in a more intuitive way? 
  • Explore examples of signs and their synchronicity? 
  • Find out how to open to a larger dialogue than simply receiving a sign now and then? 
  • Understand how you active participation increases the appearance of signs within the ordinary world? 

Take a romp on the playground of life, and open to seeing life in a brand new way? 

Learn Questions and Practices which support you in Connecting with Universal Communication

OPENING MODULE: (FREE) Seeing the Signs Engaging Life’s Universal Language

In this first module: understand what signs are and why they appear, discover how signs appear all around you, awaken intimacy with universal communication, explore the signs that are appearing in your life, and discover how signs can be used to guide and empower.

MODULE 2: Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity

In this module: discover the inner and outer worlds, the vast array of ways that the universe is bringing things forward and why this communication is supportive to personal growth, healing, and greater service in the world.

MODULE 3: The Language of Self Waking Up to Who You Really Are

In this module learn about: why the ordinary world is so important, the types of sacred encounters available to you, shifting perspectives to see all of the world as of sacred, the art posing the right questions, and letting go to follow pathways, turning points and divine guideposts.

MODULE 4: The Language of Relationships Personal Prompts Through People, Places and Things

In this module learn about: how the mundane becomes a magical way-shower, how to utilize your senses as pointers, the ways that life prompts you, questions that awaken more signs in your life, and discerning whether a sign is positive or negative.

MODULE 5: The Language of Nurture Through Gods of Your Understanding

In this module, discover: how to use ‘signs’ for personal growth and empowerment, how directional signs impact your journey, the soul story that threads throughout your life experiences, the distinction between mystical and visionary pathways, and when to be still and when to act.

MODULE 6: The Language of Nature Guideposts from the Human Animal, Nature and the Wild

In this module, explore: the realm of synchronicity, an understanding of patterns, rhythms and echoes, how signs have appeared for others, why the world is calling you higher, and the signs currently expressing in your life.

MODULE 7: The Language of Experience Horizontal Living into the Vertical Alignment

In this module, invite: a look at where you have been and where you are going, alignment toward greater personal power and self mastery, the higher manifestations of life, the mystical and metaphysical lens of experience, and intuitive living as a daily expression.


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This powerful course includes:

  • Hours of visually stunning videos personally taught by SIMRAN

  • A unique translation of various signs you will encounter in your world and their meanings

  • Guided experiences to connect with your language with the universe

  • Prompts to identify an understand your next best steps

  • Guided meditations and structured journaling to take your experience deeper

  • Deep spiritual wisdom that pertains to your individual experience, and the collective connection

  • • Be prepared to see life in a new way while developing a foundation and framework for navigating and serving the world

  • Audio and Video files for ease of listening on the go in your own unique portal of learning

  • • Special conversations that offer further integration and understanding, while detailing how SIMRAN’s life unfolded into her discovery of this world of conversations with the universe…

  • Seven rich conversations to initiate unique perspectives in bridging the individual and the collective experience of signs, especially at this powerful time of our world story


Opening Module: (FREE) Intuitive Living

  1. Welcome to Intuitive Living (Free Preview)
  2. Video: Is the Universe Really Talking? (Free Preview)
  3. Video: Waking Up to Who You Really Are (Free Preview)
  4. Video: The Great Questions (Free Preview) 
  5. Video: The Language of Life (Free Preview)
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling (Free Preview)
  7. Meditation: Finding Meaning (Free Preview)
  8. Lesson PDF: Language of Life, SignPosts & Key Directions (Free Preview)
  9. Guiding Signs: Life by the Numbers
  10. Video: Life by the Numbers (Free Preview)
  11. Video: What’s Next (Free Preview)

Module 2: The Language of Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity

  1. Video: The Inner and Outer Worlds
  2. Video: Your Soul Creates
  3. Video: Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity
  4. Video: The Human Form
  5. Video: The Universal You
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling
  7. Meditation: Awakening to Signs
  8. Lesson PDF: Language of Life, SignPosts & Key Directions
  9. Guiding Signs: The Human Spacesuit
  10. Video: Conversations for Intuitive Living

Module 3: The Language of Self

  1. Video: The Language of Relationships
  2. Video: Things That Appear
  3. Video: Shifts in Reality 
  4. Video: The Home as Self
  5. Video: Personal Prompts Through People, Places and Things
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling
  7. Meditation: Meeting Myself
  8. Lesson PDF: Language of Relationships, SignPosts & Key Directions
  9. Guiding Signs: Home and Business
  10. Video: Conversations for Intuitive Living

Module 4: The Language of Relationships

  1. Video: The Language of Relationship
  2. Video: Things That Appear
  3. Video: Shifts in Reality
  4. Video: The Home as Self
  5. Video: Personal Prompts Through People, Places and Thing
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling
  7. Meditation: Meeting Myself
  8. Audio: The Story  
  9. Lesson PDF: Language of Relationships, SignPosts & Key Directions
  10. Guiding Signs: Home and Business
  11. Video: Conversations for Intuitive Living 

Module 5: The Language of Nurture

  1. Video: Language of Nurture
  2. Video: Symbols of Love 
  3. Video: Trusting the Way
  4. Video: Signs of Perspective
  5. Video: Soulful Connection
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling
  7. Meditation: Directions of Adventure
  8. Audio: Put Together
  9. Lesson PDF: Language of Nurture, SignPosts & Key Directions
  10. Guiding Signs: Animals
  11. Video: Conversations for Intuitive Living

Module 6: The Language of Nature

  1. Video: The Language of Nature 
  2. Video: Always Guided 
  3. Video: Guiding Lights 
  4. Video: Law of Attraction  
  5. Video: Aligning to What Calls 
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling 
  7. Meditation: Rising Higher
  8. Audio: Put Together
  9. Lesson PDF: Language of Nature, SignPosts & Key Directions
  10. Guiding Signs: Flowers
  11. Video: Conversations for Intuitive Living 

Module 7: The Language of Experience

  1. Video: The Language of Experience 
  2. Video: Always Guided    
  3. Video: Horizontal to Vertical Alignment  
  4. Video: Anchored in Love    
  5. Video: Acorns to Oaks  
  6. Video: Signposts, Key Directions and Journaling 
  7. Meditation: Seeds of Growth  
  8. Audio: Responses
  9. Lesson PDF: Language of Experience, SignPosts & Key Directions   
  10. Guiding Signs: Crystals  
  11. Video: Conversations for Intuitive Living  
  12. Video: Closing
  13. *Gift Certificate for FREE Autographed Book

PLUS… Thank You and Free Gifts Rebate!

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Simran Singh

SIMRAN is a speaker, artist, author and catalyst for love, compassion and humanity. She advocates for the Visionary and Mystic within each person by creating and sharing conscious, uplifting and inspirational resources. SIMRAN creates art, books, and online courses that bridge humanity’s experience and expression of humanity and divinity. SIMRAN — mystic, artist and mentor — is publisher of 11:11 Magazine, host of 11:11 Talk Radio, and the author of multiple gold award winning books including (1) Conversations With The Universe (2) Your Journey to Enlightenment and (3) Your Journey to Love. Her latest is a trilogy of self realization is comprised: (1) LIVING… The 7 Blessings of Human Experience (2) BEING… The 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose and Peace and (3) KNOWING… The 7 Human Expressions of Grace. Six-time, gold award-winning author, soul artist, mystic, and author of seven books on spirituality, awareness, presence and self-realization including the two-time Gold-Award-winning book, CONVERSATIONS WITH THE UNIVERSE: How the World Speaks To Us and, SIGNS: Sacred Encounters with Pathways, Turning Points and Divine Guideposts.